Canada's NDP

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November 14th, 2023

NDP Statement on Transgender Awareness Week

NDP 2SLGBTQI+ Randall Garrison, and deputy 2SLGBTQI+ critic Blake Desjarlais made the following statement:

“This week, New Democrats are joining members of the trans community to recognize and celebrate the important contributions that two-spirit, trans, and gender diverse Canadians make to our society.

More than ever before it’s important that we listen to Trans voices and work towards building a Canada that’s free of harassment and discrimination. We must stand up and fight back against policies and movement that undermine and harm trans rights and people’s safety, we need to be working together to fight for trans visibility.

With Conservative premiers threatening the safety and autonomy of kids across Canada, a rising tide of violence directed at 2SLGBTQIA+ people, and gaps in gender affirming care – people want to see their government taking a stronger stance at protecting Canadians.

As Canadians, we pride ourselves on our commitments to inclusion and diversity, but when it comes to trans visibility and rights, Canada is lagging.

On this Transgender Awareness Week, New Democrats are calling on the government to take a stand against hatred geared at two-spirit, trans and gender diverse Canadians, and to better fund healthcare and supports for trans people.”