Canada's NDP

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February 7th, 2024

NDP response to Pierre Poilievre’s attack on trans youth

In response to harmful comments made by the Leader of the Conservative Party, NDP 2SLGBTQI+ critic and deputy critic Randall Garrison and Blake Desjarlais made the following statement:

“One of the most important things that we can do to make sure kids across Canada live their best lives and grow up healthy is by making sure that they’re safe and supported.

But what we’ve seen from Conservative Premier Danielle Smith over the last few weeks and now the Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is unacceptable. Poilievre attacked trans youth by saying they should be denied puberty blockers, a life-saving procedure. Health care experts and child advocates have been clear: these policies will hurt children. It’s not the role of politicians to dictate the medical care patients receive from doctors. Conservatives are targeting an at-risk group of children who deserve to be supported and loved.

Political leaders should be listening to experts and protecting children – but the Conservatives are instead stoking the fire to win political points while jeopardizing the lives and well-being of children.

Preventing trans youth from accessing the gender-affirming care they need will cause irreversible and irrevocable harm to them – a judge in Saskatchewan said as much when the Conservatives there tried to get away with this same type of transphobic policies.

Words are not enough – young people deserve action. But while the Conservatives attack young people and their rights, the Liberals have been underfunding trans and gender-diverse organizations and have not shown enough leadership on gender-affirming health care.

New Democrats believe kids thrive when allowed to be who they are and loved without fear or judgment. We’re fighting for a future where 2SLGBTQI+ youth get the support, health care and compassion that they deserve while growing up."