Canada's NDP

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June 5th, 2024

NDP marks World Environment Day

Canada’s NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh made the following statement:

“Today, as we mark World Environment Day, and we must reflect on the challenges that we face. Wildfires are burning across Canada, and it’s only the beginning of June.

Climate change is impacting our planet before our eyes, and it’s past due for the government to take real climate action.

People are fleeing their homes, evacuating their communities, losing work and, increasingly, their lives as the climate crisis worsens. But instead of fighting the climate crisis, the Liberals have spent nine years delaying much-needed action.

Minister Guilbeault and Justin Trudeau have failed to deliver on $15 billion worth of their own climate promises. Meanwhile, they still gave almost $18.6 billion to Canadian oil and gas companies last year alone.

Then, we have Pierre Poilievre and Conservatives across the country, who ignore what’s right in front of Canadians and claim that climate change isn’t real.

The Liberals and Conservatives are failing Canadians, our future and our planet by putting rich corporations ahead of people and the planet.

On this World Environment Day, New Democrats promise to keep fighting for climate action, for an end to fossil fuel subsidies and for a sustainable future that works for everyone – not just the ultra-wealthy.

By working together, we can ensure our children and grandchildren have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink and hope for their future.”