Canada's NDP

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January 17th, 2024

NDP calls for Competition Bureau Investigation into grocery prices in wake of Loblaw discount cuts

OTTAWA – In light of the news that Loblaws will be reducing the discount of food that’s about to expire from 50 per cent down to 30 per cent, NDP Food Price Inflation Critic Alistair MacGregor wrote to the Competition Bureau to open an investigation into possible grocery anti-competition measures.

Given Loblaw, one of Canada’s largest grocers, indicated in a statement that reducing these discounts is aligned with what other major grocery chains are doing, MacGregor says this raises suspicions of possible collusion or anti-competitive business practices, and Canadians deserve transparency.

“Almost every Canadian has been forced to cut back over the last two years, especially when it comes to food. Meanwhile, these grocery CEOs have been allowed to rake in more and more money,” said MacGregor. “Last-day-of sales on fresh food is one of the few more affordable options Canadians have for fresh products nearing the best before date. Something isn’t right here, but the out-of-touch Liberals and the corporate-controlled Conservatives keep protecting huge grocery chains instead of holding them accountable. It needs to stop.”

In the fall, the Minister of Science, Industry, and Innovation met with Canada’s major grocer CEOs to politely ask them to ‘stabilize’ food prices. Following the meeting, Minister Champagne said that the grocery CEOs agreed to “aggressive discounts.” Less than a month later, the CEO of Metro admitted that this meeting had zero impact on food prices, and now Canadians are seeing discounts being cut at the shelves.

“For two years, the Liberals have sat on their hands waiting for food prices to come down because they refuse to stand up to their rich friends. Clearly, their plan isn’t working,” said MacGregor. “In the same boat, Pierre Poilievre’s Conservatives talk a big game, but when it comes down to it, Poilievre will hand out huge tax breaks to these corporations while cutting services working families need. He’s done it before and will do it again.”

“More than ever, Canadians need a government that’s working for you – not protecting the profits of rich CEOs. New Democrats believe Canadians need a break on groceries and that CEOs shouldn’t be able to get away with price-gouging, which is why we are urging the Competition Bureau to look at the pricing strategies of major grocery retailers, with a specific focus on the recent decisions made by Loblaw."