Canada's NDP

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September 12th, 2021

Jagmeet will end Trudeau’s free ride for big corporations

Under Trudeau, Canada has lost $146 billion to corporate tax avoidance

SUDBURY — Jagmeet Singh repeated his commitment to end Trudeau’s free ride for big corporations by closing loopholes and cracking down on big corporations avoiding their fair share of taxes.

“Canadians work hard and pay their taxes, but instead of making life more affordable for them, Justin Trudeau has been letting big corporations use tax havens and loopholes to avoid paying their share.” said Jagmeet. “We will close those loopholes and fight to make the ultra-rich and corporations pay their share. I will deliver and fight for everyday families, not just those at the top.”

The Parliamentary Budget Office has calculated that Canada misses out on up to $25 billion every year because many corporations do business in Canada but avoid paying their share of taxes here. That means, in the six years Trudeau has been Prime Minister, he has cost Canadians $146 billion because he refused to crack down on them.

In 2015, Justin Trudeau said he would tackle corporate tax loopholes. Instead, he cut the number of CRA audits on large companies and the wealthy by 30%.

Jagmeet would invest in the CRA and stop this money from flowing out of Canada so he could invest in things people need—like cheaper prescription drug costs, more affordable homes and better health care for families and seniors.

“Every minute Justin Trudeau chooses to not act, is another minute Canadians are being forced to pay the price with higher costs and less money for services like healthcare,” said Jagmeet. “Better is possible, but we need to vote for it. Canadians can’t afford more of Justin Trudeau’s empty words.”