Canada's NDP

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March 4th, 2024

Jagmeet Singh slams Pierre Poilievre for wanting to cut childcare for families

POWELL RIVER, B.C. – On Monday, Canada’s NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh is visiting the Second Nature Childcare Centre in Powell River, B.C. where he’ll remind Canadians that Pierre Poilievre wants to cut the national $10-a-day childcare program.

“I have heard so many stories across Canada about how life-changing the $10-a-day childcare program is for parents. Cutting federal investment in this program, like Pierre Poilievre wants to do, would mean higher bills, fewer spaces and less quality childcare for our kids,” said Singh. “Parents don’t need less help, they need more. While the cut-and-gut Conservatives are using their power in Ottawa to try to cut funding for childcare, the NDP fought hard for measures to improve access to affordable, quality and non-for-profit daycares for Canadians.”

In December 2021, Pierre Poilievre said Conservatives don’t believe in a “slush fund” when asked if he would cut federal investments in childcare. Since then, he has repeatedly voted to cut all federal investment in childcare, including in December 2023 when he voted to cut additional investments to strengthen the foundations of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Childcare system.

Better access to quality and affordable childcare is life-changing and saves thousands of dollars for Canadians. That’s why New Democrats have been using their power to deliver legislation that will improve access to affordable, quality and non-for-profit daycares for Canadians.

“Affordable childcare helps give people options. Many parents, particularly women, can choose to go back to work when they have quality, affordable care for their kids. As a new dad, I know there is so much peace-of-mind knowing that your little one has the quality of care they need to grow up in a safe, supportive environment,” said Singh.

“You can’t claim to care about the high costs hard-working families are facing if you’re willing to cut childcare. Canadians deserve much better than Conservatives’ cuts that hurt their bottom line and jeopardize the quality care their little ones are getting. That’s why New Democrats are fighting to make Ottawa work for your family.”