Canada's NDP

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August 22nd, 2021

Jagmeet honours the life and contributions of Jack Layton

TORONTO – On the tenth anniversary of Jack Layton’s death, Jagmeet was joined by Mike Layton, Toronto City Councilor and Jack Layton’s son, along with others who gathered in Nathan Phillips Square to celebrate the lasting impact that Jack had on people in Toronto and across the country.

“Everywhere I go, people stop to tell me how much they were inspired by Jack and what it means for us to be continuing his approach to politics. An approach that hopes to build a country, made stronger by a collective instinct for compassion, for love and for empathy,” said Jagmeet. “Standing here today, seeing hundreds of people sharing their commitment to be more loving, hopeful and optimistic by chalking Nathan Phillips Square as we did ten years ago, it’s hard to not be inspired to redouble our efforts and to keep fighting for the better world he knew – and we all know – is possible.”

While speaking with media, Jagmeet announced that, following the election he and his team will introduce a bill in the House of Commons and undertake the work of having Elections Canada change the name of the riding Jack represented as a member of Parliament, from Toronto-Danforth to Danforth-Layton.

“Jack continues to inspire so many of us to reach for a higher purpose; to first to look out for each other, and to do our best in service of a better, more humane, and saner world,” said Jagmeet. “Jack’s message is as relevant today as it was ten years ago. Whatever we may face collectively or in our own lives, don’t let them tell you it can’t be done.”