Canada's NDP

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September 11th, 2023

Canada’s NDP nominates Alistair MacGregor as the candidate for Cowichan – Malahat – Langford

DUNCAN – On Sunday, New Democrats in Cowichan – Malahat – Langford nominated current NDP Member of Parliament Alistair MacGregor to be their candidate in the next federal election.

MacGregor, who serves as the NDP’s Food Price Inflation and Agriculture and Agri-Food Critics, has played a key role in fighting to tackle high food prices and bringing costs down. MacGregor successfully called for a parliamentary study into food prices and corporate greed earlier this year, which forced grocery giants, like Loblaw CEO Galen Weston, to publicly testify about how their practices are impacting food prices and inflation.

“Alistair has done important work for Canadians by fighting against the corporate greed driving up food prices. Without New Democrats like Alistair leading the way, these grocery giants would’ve never had to testify and be held accountable for their role in the cost-of-living crisis,” said Canada’s NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. “While the Liberals and Conservatives ignored Canadians who were worried about keeping food on the table, all because their rich friends were happy - Alistair and the NDP were the first to raise alarm bells. I know he and other New Democrats will keep pushing until people get more relief and help with covering their grocery bills.”

Last fall, when the CEOs of Canada’s biggest grocery chains tried to get out of testifying at MacGregor's study into food prices, MacGregor expanded the study, forcing the CEOs to address Canadians.

MacGregor also has continued the fight to bring down food prices by pushing for a windfall tax on the extra profits that wealthy grocery executives are making off the backs of Canadians. This would incentivize lower food prices and allow for more money to be put back into hard-working Canadians' pockets.

“I feel very honoured to have been chosen again as our riding’s NDP candidate,” said MacGregor. “Right now, people in our community are going through a difficult time, and they need to know that their family has someone in their corner, not someone who’d rather cater to mega-rich CEOs. And while the Conservatives and the Liberals have extensive track records of backing big executives and corporations instead of helping you, New Democrats have never stopped working for Canadians. I’m proud to be a part of the NDP team that is fighting to get more money in your pocket. We’ll keep fighting to put in place stronger protections for you and your family so that there's more competition in the grocery sector, and huge corporate grocery stores can’t gouge Canadians."