Canada's NDP

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Take this 8-question survey to share your values and insights. As an essential part of our movement, we need to hear from you on these important questions.

Who do you talk with about politics most often?


Who inspires you do get involved and help build a fairer, more progressive country? I do it for…

My kids
My parents
My community
All Canadians who’ve been left behind

What’s the best way to describe why you’re involved in this work? You can also share a personal story in the field below.

I believe we can be a better country – but we’re not there yet
We need to fight the politics of fear and division with hope and optimism
The NDP fights for working people, not the wealthy and well-connected
The NDP represents my values and fights for the issues I care about

You’re almost done! Just a few more questions before your submission is recorded.

You are a key part of this movement, and your insight is so important.

Can you share this survey with other supporters like you?