Canada's NDP

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March 8th, 2012

Statement by NDP Leader Nycole Turmel on International Women’s Day

Today I’m taking the time to highlight the exceptional contribution of Canadian women in the long march towards equality of the sexes in Canada.

We have come a long way to take our rightful place in society—that of equal partners.

The majority of Canadian women now have the opportunity to pursue advanced studies, to embrace a fulfilling career, to be mothers when they want to be, to stay at home with their young children or to put them in the care of caregivers. It’s been less than 50 years since women attained this decision-making power.

But not all women have this freedom. Too many Canadian women, particularly elderly women, live in poverty. Women, even if they work just as hard, are more likely to be paid less than men for the same job. Many women work part-time, because they are still primarily responsible for their children’s education or domestic work.

Others still are victims of domestic violence or intimidation at work or in their homes.

Yes, we’ve made progress, but there is still much to do.

On this International Women’s Day, I invite all Canadians to contribute to make our country an even better place—where women and men mutually respect each other and work together to build a more equal Canada.