Canada's NDP

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January 24th, 2012

Reality check: About those documents, Tony ...

Among the outlandish statements made by Tony Clement about the G8 slush fund, the quote below certainly stands out for particular concern. When asked about the G8 slush fund in the House of Commons, Clement replied:

“The facts are that all of those documents were provided to the Auditor General” – Tony Clement, Hansard, December 7, 2011

Interesting. But what did the Auditor General say about this?

“We did approach the minister's office to request any documentation that was available in the minister's office or in the constituency office to explain how the projects were selected. We received a small amount of documentation, which wasn't directly relevant to the question of the project selection…” – John Wiersema, Interim Auditor General, Standing Committee on Public Accounts, October 5, 2011

And the documents released yesterday by the NDP show that Clement had files on the 242 project submissions, and the 32 that he was involved with selecting.

So when Tony Clement starts trying to split hairs about the difference between ‘choosing’, ‘selecting’ and ‘recommending’ the 32 projects which got funding, does he really think he has any credibility left?

If he really does want to clear the air, will he finally now agree to release publically all documents relating to the $50 million G8 slush fund?