Canada's NDP

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July 16th, 2012

The Harper cabinet - Ethically challenged and loving it!

“We must clean up corruption and lift the veils of secrecy that allow it to flourish. We must do nothing less than replace the culture of entitlement with the culture of accountability.” - Stephen Harper, November 4, 2005

Seven years later, Stephen Harper’s most ethically challenged Minister remains in cabinet.

As more details emerge about the unethical habits of Minster Paradis, Canadians lose more faith about how Ottawa works under this government. In fact, Minister Paradis’ actions prove that Conservative friends and insiders are getting preferential treatment.

More worrisome is that the PMO continues to have confidence is this Minister. A Minister who forced public servants from Public Works and Foreign Affairs to meet with his friends. A Minister with one blatant ethics violation against him and two more investigations ongoing.

Minister Paradis broke the rules. But instead of punishing him, this Prime Minister continues to reward his behaviour.

Backroom access for Conservative friendly business may not have the “egregious display of Ottawa opulence” like $16 Orange Juice and excessive Limo rides, but it still has the stink of entitlement and unethical behavior.

Just another example of Conservatives giving preferential treatment to their friends and living by a different set of rules – and it’s one more broken promise of accountability by this Prime Minster.