Canada's NDP

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March 13th, 2015

3 signs Justin Trudeau doesn’t love liberty as much as he’d like you to think

This week, Justin Trudeau declared: “one of the highest aims of Canadian political leadership is to protect and expand freedom” – but his recent actions don’t match his words.

Here are three signs that the leader of the third party doesn’t love liberty as much as he’d like you to think:

1. He supports Stephen Harper’s over-reaching new security law—C-51. That’s right, and it’s all about politics. He even told students at the University of British Columbia: “This conversation might be different if we weren’t months from an election campaign, but we are."

2. University students are calling him out. At that same UBC event, one student shot back: “Sir, I must say that supporting the bill that you know is dangerous while promising to reform it when you’ve been elected to government is tantamount to putting our rights hostage, and our vote is our ransom.”

3. He’s off-side with prominent human rights organizations like Amnesty International — as well as over 100 academics, former Prime Ministers and Supreme Court Justices, and Canada’s Privacy Commissioner who called the measures in C-51 “unprecedented” and “excessive”.

Supporting Stephen Harper’s dangerous legislation for political reasons isn’t leadership — it’s another sign that Justin Trudeau isn’t ready to be Prime Minister.